The excessive weight that most school children carry in their huge backpacks and on their shoulders is leading many children to back injuries due to overexertion and muscle fatigue. When buying a new backpack for your child, consider the size and weight of the child.
Category Values
Christmas is coming and many children get very nervous about gifts. Making the letter to Santa Claus or the Magi is a moment of great emotion for them. They think about how many gifts they will be able to this year in the letter and count on their fingers how many will get home. Two, five, nine? Children always want to receive more and more toys.
Christmas! That magical period of the year in which all the streets are filled with joy, colors and characteristic smells. This is one of the happiest moments, because they give us gifts, we see our distant relatives again, we all have fun together, we enjoy delicious food ... There are many reasons to thank God at Christmas, right ?
In the last days of the year we all take the opportunity to take stock of everything that has happened in the year and how we have acted in this regard. Have we lived in a conscious way? Have we stopped to reflect on the way we educate children? Have we transmitted values? The following letter to the Magi written by a mother reflects on all this.
Today, many see it as the prelude to Black Friday. But the true meaning of Thanksgiving is another. In America this day is almost more important than Christmas Day. And it is celebrated as such. Families prepare throughout the week, congratulate each other in advance and the streets this day are deserted.
The sooner we realize what is happening to our children, the better. There is no better past or worse future. There is a present, and it is what we have. Neither better nor worse, different. Before it was gang fights and threatening backpack notes. Now, the fights in the chat of a social network, even in private groups.
Every child is different. There are some who are very energetic, while others are more shy when it comes to interacting with the people around them; some find it very easy to make friends while other little ones find it more difficult and prefer to stay apart. The former can help the latter to meet people, however, it does not always come naturally to them.
My son, who is now in second grade, has a classmate next door who has been diagnosed with autism. This year a new boy has come to his same class who also has autism to a much greater degree than the little one in the other class. What do I intend to tell you with this? Well, nothing more than talking to you, telling you about my experience when they told me that I was going to have a partner with autism and what was a very reaction.
Raising children today is one of the most challenging learnings that we encounter as human beings. Parents try to educate children who are happy in the present, but also in the future; that they are able to get where they want, that they base their day to day on the different values ...
Inclusion is about treating others in the same way we would like to be treated and knowing how to see that, although we seem different, we are all the same. It is something that should be worked on at school and also at home. I often wonder how children can be taught to be inclusive, because I am convinced that inclusion - although it must also be worked on at school - begins at home.
A fundamental aspect in the education of children is education in values. All parents want to raise children who respect others, who are tolerant, who do not discriminate ... It may seem that racism is a thing of the past, that separating or treating others differently because of their skin color is something that has practically been left behind , But is this really so?
Surely you have seen many volunteer campaigns on social networks or near your neighborhood, for various causes: food, health, construction, animal rescue, etc. Multidisciplinary professionals participate in all of them, but also people who want to contribute a grain of sand in favor of contributing with a difference that benefits others.
Lately we are getting used to seeing situations where children need immediate answers and solutions to problems that are presented to them. As with many adults, the little ones demand reactions when they ask for something. It seems that we have forgotten that we must educate children in the value of patience, but it is that we ourselves are increasingly impatient as well.
In June, like every year, Gay Pride Day is celebrated, a date on which the LGTBI collective annually publicly commemorates its fight for equality and non-discrimination. Your children will see on television or in the streets the march, the parades and the cultural activities that are organized around this date and depending on their age, they will probably ask you what Gay Pride Day is.
Do you know what the dream gap is or also known as & 39; dream gap & 39;? It is the gender gap that exists between girls and their intellectual potential. According to a study, from the age of five, girls consider themselves less intelligent than boys, they begin to doubt their own abilities and do not trust that one day they will be engineers, scientists or company directors.
If we asked any parent what they want most for their child, I think we would all answer the same thing: that he be happy. There is no magic recipe or pills that fill us with happiness every day, but we can provide our children with an environment and conditions so that tomorrow this feeling reigns from the moment they get up.
How difficult it is to ask for forgiveness sometimes! We have made a mistake, we have done or said something that is not right, we feel bad and we want to change this behavior. No, I am not talking about children, in this case I am talking about fathers and mothers. Yes, as you hear it, mothers and fathers make mistakes and we do or say things to our children that are not quite right, such as an extra cry, a punishment or consequence that we really should not have and so on. Situations more than sure already sound like plenty.
Effort helps to face the challenges and goals that life entails, therefore, teaching children to strive and have willpower is something basic for their education. Today, more than ever, it is necessary to foster children's capacity for self-control so that they are able to withstand the efforts of life in society.
Politics is part of our daily lives, it enters our homes every time we turn on the television or surf the Internet and it sneaks into our conversations almost without realizing it. We can well say that politics is one more everyday aspect and, nevertheless, surely you also agree with me, it is not easy to talk about politics with children.
What is compassion? Compassion is a value that makes us more sensitive and more humane in the face of the difficulties and problems of others. It is a feeling of pity that one has towards the ills and misfortunes of other people. It is necessary to teach the child to be compassionate in the face of illness, hardships, bad situations and realities of other people.
Recognizing that you are at fault or that you feel sorry and need to be forgiven is one of the most difficult lessons for both those who teach and those who learn. It is not just about teaching children to ask and say & 34; excuse me & 34; but we also have to teach them to feel.