Category Twins

7 things you should NOT say to a mother of twins or twins

7 things you should NOT say to a mother of twins or twins

Why do we often insist on spoiling this wonderful moment that is motherhood with phrases that are not relevant? If all women have to put up with comments like & 39; Don't you want to have children? & 39 ;, & 39; When will a little brother for the little one? & 39;, imagine mothers of twins or twins.

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7 things you should NOT say to a mother of twins or twins

Why do we often insist on spoiling this wonderful moment that is motherhood with phrases that are not relevant? If all women have to put up with comments like & 39; Don't you want to have children? & 39 ;, & 39; When will a little brother for the little one? & 39;, imagine mothers of twins or twins.
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