Category Theater


The suns. A short play for children about inclusion

Skits are great to do at home, in class, or at summer camp. Children have a great time, they bring out their great talents as actors and also learn important values ​​such as respect or friendship. The theatrical representation that we propose here is designed to teach children what inclusion is and why we all must always keep it in mind in our daily lives.
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A cat in distress. The best play for children about the family

Children's theater performances are a fun pastime that is often enjoyed by young and old alike. They are ideal for having a fun time and also for learning important things. This time we have prepared a beautiful play for children about the family. With it, the little ones in the house will know that there is nothing better than letting themselves be loved by their loved ones.
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Lazy bear. Play to instill hygiene habits in children

Short plays are a great hobby to propose to boys and girls, but also a great way to teach them an important lesson. This time we have prepared a short script that talks about personal hygiene habits. Through theatrical performances, children will understand why it is important to follow basic hygiene rules on a daily basis and at the same time they will have a great time.
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The bully cat. Play for children about bullying

Theater plays are a great pastime to do with the family or at school. With them the little ones have a great time, they learn new things and let their imaginations fly. And to all this we must add that if a play like the one we share here with you is chosen, the children will be learning a great lesson.
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'A visit to the museum'. Play for children about democracy

Short plays are great to perform with elementary school students and even to do at home when family visits. The little ones have a great time, they show off their acting skills and, if a script like the one shown here is chosen as a script, they will also be teaching them a valuable lesson.
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Scripts of plays with values ​​to act out with children

Federico García Lorca said that "theater is poetry that leaves the book to become human." We have not found more beautiful words to introduce what we are proposing on this occasion: scripts for children's plays that provide teachings and values ​​to children. They are ideal stories to represent with children and make them reflect on different concepts such as generosity or respect for others.
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The sun rises. Script of a children's play about emotions

Short plays like the one we propose here are ideal to have a good time with the family or even to do at school and perform in front of the rest of the courses. And if they are also representations with which a value is taught to children, success will be guaranteed. On this occasion, we want to propose the script for a children's play to work on emotions with children.
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Short play to celebrate Book Day with children

Representing plays is an activity that the little ones like. It is also ideal to do as a family or to use as a resource at school. And it is that scripts for short plays like the one we propose here make boys and girls let their imaginations fly at the same time that they are taught a lesson.
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