When we become parents we begin to have high expectations about what the new baby will be like in terms of character and personality. Will he be calm like his brother? Will he bring out his father's temper? Be careful what we imagine because each child is different and we may have a child who demands much more care and attention than the others.
Category Stages of development
Crawling is a great advance in the baby's development, it allows him greater autonomy and, of course, the power to discover, test, feel, explore ... Babies usually begin to crawl between 6 and 9 months, and although some they skip this stage, the benefits it provides are enormous. Although it seems strange, crawling will help the baby to read and write in the future because it stimulates, among other things, fine motor skills that will translate into good control of the writing stroke.
The first six years of a child's life are a spectacular marathon of development, both on a physical and cognitive level and on a psychological and social level. Children learn at high speed and develop motor, social and cognitive skills that will partly shape their future personality.
The weight and height of babies say a lot about their physical development. From birth, the baby is weighed and measured and, especially, in the first year of his life, his weight and growth measurements must be controlled by the pediatrician. Genetic inheritance and the time of gestation that the baby chooses for birth determine, in principle, their weight and height.
The terrible two years. It sounds like the title of a scary movie and, in part, for many parents it is. It has been some time since I have heard this (fearsome but popular) expression to refer to the rebellion that some children go through when they turn 2 years old. The adolescence of childhood, they also call it.
How is it possible that my little one has grown so fast? It seems that he was born yesterday and suddenly he is two years old; a feeling that all fathers and mothers surely share. And it is that, although it may not seem like it, time goes by such leaps and bounds that there are times that we would like to be able to stop it to appreciate the wonderful moments that children give us with their mere presence.
When we become parents we begin to have high expectations about what the new baby will be like in terms of character and personality. Will he be calm like his brother? Will he bring out his father's temper? Be careful what we imagine because each child is different and we may have a child who demands much more care and attention than the others.
All parents eagerly await those first words that our baby emits, but until this moment occurs, our little one will go through the stage of emitting sounds that, little by little, will form syllables until they reach whole words. Let's not go so fast and play games and enjoy this stage as parents and, for this, we present you with fun dynamics to stimulate babbling in babies from home.
Surely you also find it wonderful to see how your baby grows, and it is a challenge for him to get older and for you a delight to see that overnight he has acquired a new and surprising ability. As we know that the curiosity of young and old has no limit, in Guiainfantil.