Category Reading

When to go to an expert if the child has difficulty reading or writing

When to go to an expert if the child has difficulty reading or writing

Reading is a habit that implies multiple benefits in the cognitive and emotional development of the child, helping him to know himself and the world around him, in addition to promoting the progress of his mental capacities such as: abstraction, memory, imagination or the language. Therefore, when parents consider that the child has more difficulty reading or writing than usual (it takes a long time to learn to read, reads very slowly, does not understand what he reads, etc.

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The phonetic method for teaching children to read

When it is time to start learning to read, around the age of five or six, it is when we become aware of the difficulty of this first learning for children. It may seem easy at first, but we end up understanding its vast complexity and especially when we discover that there are different systems.
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8 benefits of textless picture stories for kids

Our little, avid readers got off to a start like all of us. Nobody is born knowing and even less knowing how to read, but that does not mean that we cannot instill in them a love for books from the beginning. How? With illustrated stories without text for children, we may not fully agree with the statement that a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case, when children still cannot read or still have a hard time reading, we can resort to the magic of illustrated stories.
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How to foster a love of reading in children in a magical way

The habit of reading is something that must be encouraged in children from a very early age. Books are a fundamental pillar in their development and education, allowing them to embark on a journey through new and interesting worlds. But, getting children and young people to connect with literature is not an easy task because there are many stimuli around them.
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10 books that children need to read before the age of 12

Encouraging reading in the little ones is something we should do from home and it is best if it comes out spontaneously and naturally. If we recommend our children games, activities and promote behaviors that we think will help them in their development, why don't we also recommend reading?
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Three games for children to learn to read with the syllabic method

How to teach a child to read? In the educational community there is a debate about doing it with the syllabic method - combinations of vowels and consonants - the phonetic method focuses on learning each sound of each letter. On this occasion, we want to show you some simple games for children to learn to read with syllabic methods, activities that parents can do from home or teachers in their classrooms.
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Tell me the age of your children and I will tell you how to get them to read more

& 39; My son doesn't like to read, what can I do? & 39 ;, & 39; How can I get my children to read more? & 39 ;. How many times have I heard these complaints and concerns from dozens of parents whose children have not yet caught up with the wonders of reading. I would say that the key for children to read is to apply strategies to motivate reading appropriate to the age of your children (and, of course, their abilities as well).
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The stopwatch technique to improve reading ability in children

There are many children who at the beginning of reading show small difficulties, either due to lack of attention or lack of reading ability. This tends to cause them certain blocks and, in some cases, even insecurities when it comes to reading in public in front of their classmates. In most cases it is just a matter of spending a little more time and doing a few short workouts.
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When to go to an expert if the child has difficulty reading or writing

Reading is a habit that implies multiple benefits in the cognitive and emotional development of the child, helping him to know himself and the world around him, in addition to promoting the progress of his mental capacities such as: abstraction, memory, imagination or the language. Therefore, when parents consider that the child has more difficulty reading or writing than usual (it takes a long time to learn to read, reads very slowly, does not understand what he reads, etc.
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