Category Premature

Knitted pulpits in premature babies. They are not as beneficial as you think

Knitted pulpits in premature babies. They are not as beneficial as you think

When God rewards us with the arrival of our longed-for child, we take care of our pregnancy so that everything comes to a happy term, but for different reasons the birth can be brought forward and our child is born prematurely. And that's when parents, wanting to save and improve the life of our little one, we look for all kinds of options, such as the fashionable knitted pulpits.

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Knitted pulpits in premature babies. They are not as beneficial as you think

When God rewards us with the arrival of our longed-for child, we take care of our pregnancy so that everything comes to a happy term, but for different reasons the birth can be brought forward and our child is born prematurely. And that's when parents, wanting to save and improve the life of our little one, we look for all kinds of options, such as the fashionable knitted pulpits.
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The sweet story of the smallest baby in the world told by his mother

The nine months of pregnancy are long and heavy for the woman, and it is that the desire to hold the baby in her arms means that, for days or weeks, the clock hands take longer to advance. Although the desire to put a face on your little one at the end is immense, nobody wants a premature birth and less in week 23 of gestation, when the chances of survival for the little one are, according to experts, slim.
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The 6 most frequent questions about vaccines in premature babies

Despite the fact that vaccines manage to avoid between two and three million deaths per year (according to data from the World Health Organization), there is still ignorance and fear on the part of the population when it comes to administering them to premature babies, which unfortunately, it translates into a greater severity when it comes to acquiring infections in this type of children who have arrived in this world before their time.
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Care and care of premature babies. Tips for mothers and fathers

Fortunately, medicine has advanced a lot and, luckily also, more and more children who have been born before their date are coming forward, but we must not forget that the incidence of prematurity in Spain is 7-10 in all newborns . About how is the care and care of premature babies we have spoken with Two Pediatricians at Home.
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