When a woman gives birth, she wants to regain her figure from before she got pregnant, but sometimes her gut becomes loose and no matter how much she watches her diet, that does not improve! Have you heard of diastasis recti? During pregnancy, the chances of having it are increased because the recti separate to make room for the uterus and the growing baby.
Category Postpartum
When a woman gives birth, she wants to regain her figure from before she got pregnant, but sometimes her gut becomes loose and no matter how much she watches her diet, that does not improve! Have you heard of diastasis recti? During pregnancy, the chances of having it are increased because the recti separate to make room for the uterus and the growing baby.
The postpartum or puerperium is the period that elapses between the delivery of the placenta and the return to normality of all the woman's organs. The physical postpartum begins with the delivery of the placenta and lasts approximately 6 weeks, the famous quarantine; On the other hand, the emotional or psychological postpartum can last much longer.
Many times after delivery, we want to recover quickly, doing the same activity as before and with the same intensity. But we have to be very clear that it is a recovery period and, for that, our best allies are patience and, also, yoga. Do you want to know which postures are the most recommended and which ones you should avoid postpartum?