Category Poems

To Gloria Fuertes. A children's poem dedicated to the beloved poet

To Gloria Fuertes. A children's poem dedicated to the beloved poet

Gloria Fuertes is part of the childhood of several generations. His poems have in some way marked the lives of children of different ages and different parts of the world. For this reason, today the poet Marisa Alonso dedicates a beautiful poem for children entitled & 39; A Gloria Fuertes & 39 ;. Next, we have made a small compilation with some of the verses that are more fun and beautiful for the little ones in the house.

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Why. Funny short poem about children's curiosity

All children go through a phase popularly known as the & 39; why & 39; era. And the reason why this period is called this is obvious: the little ones do not stop asking why behind everything that surrounds them. Children's curiosity begins to awaken and they want to know everything.
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5 cute short animal poems for kids

Poems are great tools to improve children's attention and memory. For the little ones, you can start with very short and funny poems that attract their attention. We offer you five very short animal poems for children. Surely you can use them to encourage your child to love literature.
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9 short poems to read with children

Poetry positively intervenes in the intellectual and emotional development of children. Although at first glance the language of poetry is not so close, its rhythm and musicality make it very attractive to children, which is why poems are a good way to introduce reading among the little ones.
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The thief of the portal. Children's poetry for Christmas

Christmas is an ideal time to tell stories. But there are also many short and rhyming poems that your child will surely like. Poems that hold the child's attention and sound sweet and melodic Here is a children's poem about the birth of Jesus. For an instant, the baby Jesus disappeared.
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12 short poems to enjoy (even more) with kids on vacation

Holidays are rest, they are getting up late, they are sea, they are games ... But they can also be poetry! We propose a unique activity for the summer days: read short poems as a family, all of them related to the summer period. Below you will find a small compilation with beautiful verses by the poet Marisa Alonso.
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The Angel. Poem to read with children after the death of a brother

It is difficult to put words to what it feels like when a child dies, just as it is impossible to understand why it happened. Death is a very difficult concept for adults to digest, which makes us avoid the subject when educating the little ones. However, when this misfortune occurs, we must find a way to talk to children about death, and children's stories and poetry can be a good resource.
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The excursion to Segovia. A poem that invites children to dream

Segovia is a Spanish city, more or less in the center of the peninsula, which is full of charm in each of its corners. Its streets are so inspiring that when the group of children protagonists of this children's poem visited them, they could not help but dream a thousand and one stories of princesses, sailors and knights.
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To Gloria Fuertes. A children's poem dedicated to the beloved poet

Gloria Fuertes is part of the childhood of several generations. His poems have in some way marked the lives of children of different ages and different parts of the world. For this reason, today the poet Marisa Alonso dedicates a beautiful poem for children entitled & 39; A Gloria Fuertes & 39 ;. Next, we have made a small compilation with some of the verses that are more fun and beautiful for the little ones in the house.
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6 funny rhyming animal poems that will make kids laugh

There are few things more magical than children's laughter. Heals any wound from adults, right? These rhyming animal poems will make the little ones laugh because they present curious and spontaneous situations as themselves. The protagonists are the animals: a whale, a butterfly, a rabbit, a snail.
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Mary Mother. Christmas poem for children

María Madre is a short poem about Christmas written by Gloria Fuertes. You can read this Christmas poetry to your children or even help them memorize it. Poems are a great way to teach children to understand and channel their feelings, to acquire new vocabulary, or to enhance their ability to concentrate and memory.
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7 short and funny animal poems to read and recite with children

Most children love animals: knowing about them, seeing them, touching them ... Therefore, we can take advantage of this almost innate love and tenderness to promote poetry among the little ones. Below we have compiled some very funny short poems written by Marisa Alonso in which animals are the protagonists: seagulls, squirrels, butterflies.
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