If there is something that any parent drools with, it is with the smile of their child, something that relaxes us and, in turn, makes us feel full happiness. When this act that newborns perform manifests itself while they are sleeping, speculation does not take long to appear. Do Babies Dream?
Category Newborn
There is a popular belief that says that one person can cast an evil eye on another, that is, a negative energy as a product of envy or enmity.You may have always associated the evil eye with adults, however, also it can be associated with children. And they say that an evil eye can also affect the health of your baby.
Babies have colder hands and feet than the rest of the body; This is a basic premise here and in China. It is an ancient custom for grandmothers to touch the baby's hands and feet and shout to the sky when they feel cold and sweaty. That's when the madness begins, and they bury the living baby between piles of blankets, while they look at you with the face of few friends and pointing the finger at you for being such an inconsiderate mother or father.
There is a photo that touched the hearts of the editors of our site and mine especially when I opened the computer this morning. It is about a father crying excitedly while hugging his daughter for the first time. It could be one of many more that are taken daily and with which you come across on Instagram, I know, but this is special.
When my daughter was still a baby, I loved to watch her when she played with the mobiles in her crib and ended up immediately in a deep sleep. Seeing my baby lying on his back, with his arms and legs open, gave me a feeling of tenderness and calm, not only because of how pleasant it was to see her sleep, but also because I knew that this was the position recommended by pediatricians for avoid sudden death.
Superstitious or not superstitious, surely you also follow some tradition to the letter trying to attract good luck. And it is that in this of tilting the balance towards good luck it seems that intuition and the & 39; just in case & 39; prevail more. anything else. However, the issue seems to take on a much greater meaning when we talk about the fortune of babies born in the year 2020, the one we released.
A strange disease called werewolf syndrome or hypertrichosis has been seen in Spain this summer, in at least 17 children who consumed a gastric protector called Omeprazole to counteract the effects of gastroesophageal reflux. Apparently, the drug was contaminated with Minoxidil, which is the active ingredient in a baldness drug, which is why young children have been found with excess hair on their bodies.
Suffering the loss of a baby is probably one of the most unimaginable pains that occur to me for a person, something that I do not wish for anything in the world to my worst enemy, because it is something unnatural. Those who have unfortunately had to go through that trance, have seen how their life has been clouded and only with the arrival of a new child, they have seen the sun rise.
Newborn babies are more and more frequent with a malformation of the skull, which is known as plagiocephaly. Can this deformation of the skull be avoided? When it occurs due to intrauterine causes, the child must be directly subjected to treatment, but if the child is born without any alteration, the parents must pay special care to the head of the newborn baby to avoid malformations.
Surely more than one day in which you have been in a hurry for time, you have left your little one in the maxicosi so you can shower or prepare food, right? As long as it is done sporadically nothing happens, but please do not leave the baby always in the same position for long periods of time.
A time is approaching that for many means celebrations, parties, gifts, hugs and good wishes; a time of brotherhood where feelings are on the surface. However, Christmas may not be such a joyous and expected time for all parents, especially for those who have experienced a perinatal death.
The time of year in which we are born can condition both our personality, our abilities, defects or even the predisposition to suffer some diseases or pathologies in adulthood, as shown by several scientific studies that maintain that both the date on which produces our birth as well as the climatic conditions that may occur at that time and in the following months, can mark our future.
If there is something that any parent drools with, it is with the smile of their child, something that relaxes us and, in turn, makes us feel full happiness. When this act that newborns perform manifests itself while they are sleeping, speculation does not take long to appear. Do Babies Dream?
Every day new technologies appear that revolutionize our life and make it more modern, more practical and safer, and this applies to any field, even reaching the most important moment of every human being, such as birth. Can you imagine a system by which baby exchanges can be avoided in the hospital the moment they arrive in this world?
Congratulations dear mom! Your dream has come true! I can't think of better words to start this article in which I'm going to tell you about one of the happiest moments in the family: the birth of your child. You just have your little one in your arms, you look into his eyes and give him that kiss full of love that you had saved from the beginning of pregnancy.
When I am doing the newborn consultations, many times the parents arrive a little concerned because they have observed that the baby's breasts are like swollen, with a hard mass inside them and they detect the exit from them of a whitish discharge similar to the milk. I explain that this is not about any disease, that they do not have to worry, since it is nothing bad or serious and that this discharge is given the colloquial name of witch's milk in newborns, whose scientific name is galactorrhea of the newborn.
When the baby is born and is discharged, one of the indications of pediatricians and / or neonatologists is the so-called sunbathing at home, something that can be very strange to new parents because most do not know the importance and benefits of sunbathing in babies. Do you want to know all its advantages?