Category Names for boys

Meaning of the name Martín. Name for boys
Names for boys

Meaning of the name Martín. Name for boys

Martín is one of the most beautiful and common names that exist. Just as we think so, you think so and many more parents who select this name as one of the top 3 for their child. Do you have doubts and don't know whether to definitely opt for Martín? Surely after you read the history, the origin and the meaning of Martin's name, you will see everything with different eyes and he will ask your mother to embroider a sheet with this name!

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Names for boys

The 13 names for boys in Ecuador that have very cute diminutives

Ecuador! Known for being the center of the world and the origin of the tropics, it is one of the most versatile and beautiful regions in the world, with film landscapes and rich culture with years of tradition from the great indigenous empires to their modernization. All this history is reflected in the baby names chosen by the parents, which leads us to ask ourselves: what are the names for children in Ecuador that have the most beautiful diminutives?
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Names for boys

Loving and tender names for boys in 2020

Most parents search our hearts and minds to find the perfect combination of letters to give our child a name that will accompany him throughout his long and successful life. We want to give him, in addition to a lot of love and affection, a nickname with which he will be remembered by all the people who come across in his life, and a name with which he is proud.
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Names for boys

Meaning of the name Tomas for boys

Meaning of the name Thomas for male children Among all the names for male babies that exist, that of Thomas has its originality. Although it is not one of the names most considered by parents when choosing a name for their baby, Tomás is a name that has been gaining ground, perhaps due to its history and origin.
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Names for boys

Beautiful diminutives of the most typical children's names in Argentina

The southern Latin American country is full of traditions and cultural blends that, over the years, have merged to become the beautiful Argentina that it is today. A country with a European touch, which has not been able to escape from that spicy and vibrant flavor of the new world, which can be easily observed among the historic streets and architecture where the happy people live in the characteristic Latin sound of these lands.
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Names for boys

9 Colombian names for boys that have very special diminutives

The Colombian flavor is present in all parts of its land, from the colors of the houses to the personality of each person who lives in this magical nation. Its music, culture and energy is a clear representation of Latin American vitality. But the best representation of all these elements in a single set is definitely in the names of each Colombian.
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Names for boys

Meaning of the name Alejandro. Name for boys

From our site we share your great joy for the arrival of your baby very soon. Congratulations, dads! A new stage opens in your lives in which the family will grow. Now is the time to prepare for her birth: her clothes, her room ... and her name! Have you already thought about what you are going to call it?
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Names for boys

Meaning of the name Mateo. Name for boys

Having a child is a path of many joys and illusions, although it is common to encounter some obstacles that make the ascent a bit difficult. These obstacles are, for example, some complicated decisions to be made. One of the first is to choose what the baby that is coming is going to be called.
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Names for boys

Meaning of the name Pablo. Name for boys

All children's names have something that makes them special and unique, but there are some that, due to fashions or traditions, become the favorites of parents, and they gain strength over time. Pablo is one of them, and it is that year after year he appears in the rankings of the most popular names in Spain, Mexico, Colombia or Venezuela, but also in non-Spanish speaking countries, such as the United Kingdom or France.
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Names for boys

Meaning of the name Daniel. Name for boys

The name of Daniel has always captivated you, that's why you have it on your list of favorites for when your baby is born. But since you know that the name you choose for your offspring is very important because it will accompany him for the rest of his life, in addition to seeing how it combines with your surnames and with those of your husband and to investigate if they exist among your family and circle of friends many children named like that, you wanted to know the history, origin and meaning of Daniel.
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Names for boys

Meaning of the name Adrián. Name for boys

Some parents have decided what they are going to call their child long before they have it. However, others wait until the last moment, when they see the baby face, to choose. As Aristotle said, virtue is in the middle, that is why on our site we help you calmly but effectively find what to call your little one.
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Names for boys

Meaning of the name Lucas. Name for boys

How difficult is it to come up with that name that summarizes everything we want for our baby, right? But let's go little by little. If you already know the gender of your baby, congratulations! You have 50 less names to study. On the other hand, think about whether you like it short or long. If you have chosen the first option, we have already advanced a bit more!
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Names for boys

Meaning of the name Martín. Name for boys

Martín is one of the most beautiful and common names that exist. Just as we think so, you think so and many more parents who select this name as one of the top 3 for their child. Do you have doubts and don't know whether to definitely opt for Martín? Surely after you read the history, the origin and the meaning of Martin's name, you will see everything with different eyes and he will ask your mother to embroider a sheet with this name!
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Names for boys

Meaning of the name José. Name for boys

Dear parents, you are not alone. You are not the only ones who are having such a hard time choosing what to call the baby on the way. Knowing how complicated it is to only have one or two names for boys, on our site we have proposed to give you a hand. Below, you will be able to discover all the details of such a popular and beautiful name as José.
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Names for boys

Meaning of the name Hugo. Name for boys

What will the name Hugo have that in recent years has become one of the favorites for many parents for their future baby? On our site we have done an in-depth study to reveal to you all the secrets around this popular name for children: its origin and meaning, the saints, the famous characters that throughout history have been called that and, also, what says his numerology.
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Names for boys

The diminutives of the names for children most used in Venezuela

One of the first decisions parents make after learning that they are expecting a child is what to call them. If you are looking for names for boys to be inspired by, take note of these popular ideas in Venezuela. We accompany all of them by their diminutive, their origin and their meaning. Finding the perfect name for your child will no longer be an odyssey.
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Names for boys

18 names for boys with diminutives that are very popular in Spain

Have you already chosen the name for your baby? If you are reading these lines, the most likely thing is that you are still thinking about the matter, and it is no wonder, choosing the name of your little one is an important issue as it will accompany him throughout his life. Did you know that there are those who even say that names define part of the personality of each one?
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Names for boys

Meaning of the name Jorge. Name for boys

If you are thinking of giving the name Jorge to the baby you are expecting and who is about to be born, then our site gives us a lot of details and tells us many curiosities about this beautiful name for boys or men. According to some studies, children named Jorge are usually hard-working, loyal, honest and very charismatic.
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