The development of logical thinking is a process that depends on the cognitive area and that consists of the acquisition of knowledge about the environment that surrounds us, helping us to develop our intelligence and our capacities. Play is an essential tool to stimulate the logic of children, but the activities that we propose must be according to their age.
Category Learning
The rules of coexistence are a set of social norms that is as important to instill in children as teaching them the alphabet or eating with cutlery. These are the rules that ensure us live in peace and harmony, avoiding discord. Greet when you arrive, say goodbye when you leave, give thanks or ask for forgiveness are very simple rules of courtesy that children can acquire from an early age.
There is a subject for me that is very difficult for me to experience. I am referring to English or a foreign language, given the needs of many young people who suffer with identifying a defined strategy. For this reason, I wanted to tell you about a system that is being used in my country, Chile, and that more and more followers are joining this strategy: the dual method, which is committed to making learning English for children something alive and experimental.
They are explosive, devastating and totally charismatic. They catch for their story and expression, and they invade with joy and are capable of setting fire to a forest with a drop of water. That is the sanguine temperament or, what is the same, of extroverted and cheerful children, those who take us out of passivity and wake us up when not even the morning alarm is capable of doing it.
What is a dictation? It is a formula to improve children's spelling by reading a text aloud while the child writes it. It is, today, the best exercise that children can do to set grammar rules or remember how to use it. they write some words. It is a very common practice in elementary school children as it helps them develop the writing skills necessary to advance their learning.
When children reach school and start primary school, parents must find a study method that fits the personality of the child, but first to find the key with the best tools, it is necessary to know what the temperament of our child is . If your little one is calm and organized, this is the best study method for him!
Each child has his own personality, and therefore, a different way of approaching homework, school work and studying in front of a subject. How would you define your little one? If you are a perfectionist person, that is, with a choleric temperament and a person who wants to dominate everything and that there is no wind or dust that moves without knowing it is a very big cost, this is your best study method!
A few days ago, I came to the writing of Guí a comment from a woman on how to detect and treat learning difficulties in adolescents and today we want to share it with you: & 39; I have a girl very close to me who is going to turn 15 years old and it presents difficulties in adding, reading and many other things that have to do with learning.
One of the biggest conflicts that I have been able to observe between parents and children is due to the most daily routines of the home such as cleaning the room, tidying up toys, brushing, grooming, doing homework, etc. We adults do all these activities automatically, all children, but our children must still learn to carry them out without resistance.
Pedagogues, teachers, psychologists, coaches, we know that the context in which the person, the student or the athlete develops, largely determines their performance and the development of their abilities. The footballer Leo Messi, for example, surely would not be the same player if he were in another team that was not FC Barcelona, that is to say in another context.
Attention all parents who have children of 7 years! Your turn has come! We are going to make a small list with all the things that children do at each age, so that you can have a reference and with the idea that you keep it in your mind as a beautiful memory. Now it is the turn of all the learning that 7-year-olds do.
The little ones, as they grow up, surprise us every day with abilities and skills that seem to be acquired overnight as if by magic. Surely you, too, are left with your mouth open every time you see something new that your child has learned, it is no wonder, and that is, what for them is a huge challenge, for us it is the greatest of delights.
There are no more traumatic school exercises for children than those dealing with mental math: adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. It is something that is also heavy for parents, who cannot find the method to teach their children. I have to admit that it was also, is and will be a problem for the one who writes, so this article is a challenge to discover some mental calculation techniques to add and multiply quickly and that can help us to acquire this skill without causing us many headaches.
Has your little one already turned 4 years old? Surely you have stopped to think more than once how fast it has grown, and it is that, there are many and very different skills with which children at this age surprise us every day. Together, can we list some of the achievements of 4-year-olds that are wonderfully amazing?
Do you know the Montessori method? If you are reading these lines, the answer is probably yes. And the thing is that for some time now there has been a lot of talk about educational methods that we could well call alternative to the classics. Do you know what we think of our site? That the most successful thing is to know them all and use at home or at school the one that brings the most benefits to the little ones.
On our site, like you, we pay special attention to the physical and mental development of the little ones in the house, and there is nothing more beautiful than seeing our children grow. In order to savor those precious moments a little more, we have prepared a list with the things that your 6-year-old son will surprise you with and we throw you a challenge: complete this list with as many skills as you want and save it as the greatest of the treasures.
The development of logical thinking is a process that depends on the cognitive area and that consists of the acquisition of knowledge about the environment that surrounds us, helping us to develop our intelligence and our capacities. Play is an essential tool to stimulate the logic of children, but the activities that we propose must be according to their age.
Finding the perfect study method for children is very difficult, as we cannot generalize. Each little one requires study strategies that fit their way of being. In this way, the study will be more effective and interesting for the little ones. On this occasion, and based on the classification made by Hippocrates, we are looking for very effective study techniques for melancholic children to study better.
Have you noticed that you are constantly being reinforced that it is essential to do a study method? You, as a parent, constantly manage and make an effort to make a whole scheme that allows your child to strengthen his tools so that he can learn the contents. However, the work of discovering which of all the tools is the best is a constant search that is sometimes too long.
They say that it is just at 3 years when babies stop being babies to become small children almost by magic. And it is that they grow so fast that no matter how much you look at them all the time you always have the feeling that you are missing something, right? To catch those precious moments in our minds, let's make a list together of some of the achievements that children surprise us with before they turn 3 years old.
You've probably heard of the Kumon method, right? It is a strategy or methodology developed by the Japanese Tōru Kumon whose main objective is to teach children or adults to learn mathematics by their own means. For this, the resolution of exercise booklets is proposed, which gradually become more complex, until the person reaches an advanced level of skill.