Category Hyperactivity and attention deficit

Hyperactivity and attention deficit

4 common problems that arise in the diagnosis of ADHD in children

For some time now, there has been more talk about Attention Deficit Disorder and / or Hyperactivity. However, when making the diagnosis with ADHD in children, psychologists find some problems. First of all, there is a discussion about whether this disorder really exists or whether it has been 'invented' and, on the other hand, we face certain prejudices and circumstances that generate many doubts when it comes to diagnosing it.
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Hyperactivity and attention deficit

You are not guilty that your child has ADHD

Many are the feelings and emotions that can arise when they tell us that our child has a developmental or learning disorder. In the case of Attention Deficit Disorder and / or Hyperactivity Disorder, it is common for there to be a mixture of relief (we finally have an answer and explanation for their behaviors and difficulties) and concern (what now?
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