Category Fears

The hateful mania of parents to scare children into obeying

The hateful mania of parents to scare children into obeying

Parents, or rather adults in general, have a bad habit of scaring young children, mainly with the aim of making them obey more. Almost always asking them and talking to them from the blackmail we release phrases such as: & 39; You are going to be left alone and the police will come to pick you up & 39; or & 39; Let's go now, they're going to turn off all the lights & 39; or like & 39; I'm going to take you to the rat room & 39 ;.

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The hateful mania of parents to scare children into obeying

Parents, or rather adults in general, have a bad habit of scaring young children, mainly with the aim of making them obey more. Almost always asking them and talking to them from the blackmail we release phrases such as: & 39; You are going to be left alone and the police will come to pick you up & 39; or & 39; Let's go now, they're going to turn off all the lights & 39; or like & 39; I'm going to take you to the rat room & 39 ;.
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When children are afraid of their own parents

We have always heard that educating is complicated. It is a difficult task but one that implies a great reward: an emotional connection within the family that will serve the little one as a & 39; vehicle & 39; Learning. There are different parenting styles that mark the relationship that parents have with their children.
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