Category Fables

9 short fables to read to children

9 short fables to read to children

Fables are short stories in which animals and inanimate objects are often capable of speaking and expressing themselves, and even of presenting human characteristics. They are often used as a didactic resource to teach about the virtues and defects of people. Fables have the ability to stimulate children to discover new worlds, to acquire values, and to understand, in a didactic and fun way, what is correct and what not.

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9 short fables to read to children

Fables are short stories in which animals and inanimate objects are often capable of speaking and expressing themselves, and even of presenting human characteristics. They are often used as a didactic resource to teach about the virtues and defects of people. Fables have the ability to stimulate children to discover new worlds, to acquire values, and to understand, in a didactic and fun way, what is correct and what not.
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Short Fables for Children's Bedtime

Fables are generally short stories about animals or inanimate things that are often used to call attention to inappropriate behavior and to transmit teachings and values ​​to children. They are an adequate tool to work and educate children with values ​​such as empathy, sensitivity and imagination.
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Fables for children in pictures

Short stories with a moral See A farmer had a horse and a donkey. He had to carry two sacks of flour, and the donkey offered to share the load, but the horse refused. After two hours, the donkey collapsed and the horse had to carry the sacks and the donkey.A swarm of flies was flying when it found a pot of honey.
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