It is a real problem that, however, a large part of the population still chooses to ignore: climate change and pollution problems that are destroying our environment at an alarming rate. Although initiatives have emerged, there is still much work to be done. And young Greta Thunberg and her inspiring ecological fight has been a breath of fresh air on this issue.
Category Environment
With the end of summer, it is time to prepare for the children's return to school: equipment, uniforms, backpack ... How can we achieve a sustainable return to school that benefits the environment and also our pockets? It is simpler than it seems, the key is in the three R's: recycle, reduce and reuse.
Unfortunately, plastics have become the center of our lives and that of our children, and the damage we cause to our planet is increasing, so we must educate children from a very young age to reduce, to the extent of their possibilities, the use of these materials.
It is a real problem that, however, a large part of the population still chooses to ignore: climate change and pollution problems that are destroying our environment at an alarming rate. Although initiatives have emerged, there is still much work to be done. And young Greta Thunberg and her inspiring ecological fight has been a breath of fresh air on this issue.
You are at home watching television, you just turn on the news channel and a presenter comes out talking about an active fire in a forest. It is right there that your son asks you what is that? Why is there fire on the mountain? The little ones are curious about everything, so it is normal for them to catch their attention if they see things of this type in the media.
Just as we teach our little ones to take care of their hygiene, to live in society, to know how to eat or to learn academic content so that they know how to develop in the future, we must teach them to take care of the planet. And as is already known, the best way to learn is always through play. Do you dare to help us?