Food refusal is a normal stage in child development. Children, usually between the ages of 1 and 3, often develop a fear of any new food or dish, whether it changes its presentation, its texture or is completely new to them, and this is known as neophobia or the child's rejection of new foods .
Category Eating disorders
Babies eat in relation to their size, much more than adults. For this reason, in the process of becoming adults, sooner or later, they begin to eat less.The reason for this change around the first year of life is the decrease in the growth rate. Some children stop eating at nine months and others wait until a year and a half to two years.
There are more and more pediatric consultations about cases of infant constipation. Among the causes that cause this disorder is the lack of fluid intake, little activity and sedentary lifestyle of children and, above all, a poorly cared for diet. Do you want to know what are the foods that cause more constipation in children and what you should avoid if your child has problems passing stools?
The so-called ARFID disorder in children is still very unknown, both in education centers and in health centers, and few still know how to relate this concept to eating disorders in children. And the few who do relate it tend to do so with the adolescent population and often neglecting early detection and treatment, not so much in children.
Many children, at the beginning of the introduction of complementary feeding after formula or breast milk (between 6 and 24 months), show certain difficulties in this new learning and, in some cases, even rejection. What can we do when that fails?
Food refusal is a normal stage in child development. Children, usually between the ages of 1 and 3, often develop a fear of any new food or dish, whether it changes its presentation, its texture or is completely new to them, and this is known as neophobia or the child's rejection of new foods .