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Why children behave better with grandparents than with parents

Why children behave better with grandparents than with parents

Many parents cannot believe when the teacher or tutor says that their children do not almost get up from the table and have an almost exemplary behavior, when at home the opposite happens and they are all a toberllino and you have to be dealing with them all the time . Something similar happens when parents leave their children in the care of other relatives.

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The stage of egocentricity in children

Being self-centered means that the person thinks only of himself and does not matter what others think or feel. But in the case of children it does not mean that it is egocentric (or selfish) simply that they are in an evolutionary stage in which they are the protagonists because they have not yet developed empathic thinking.
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Why it is good for children to have tantrums

Have your children thrown a tantrum? Do you know what they are for and why it is good for children to have tantrums? Do you want to make them go down? In this post, you will understand why it is evolutionarily natural and inevitable, also why it is important for your children to throw tantrums on you and what questions to ask so that they can stop and think and have more self-control.
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Mother tricks so that children do not fight at all hours

Fights and arguments between siblings are frequent, you know that well! One of them wants a toy and the other tries to keep it in his possession at all costs and that is where the discussion begins. What to do? Many times you stare without knowing if it is better to intervene or let them solve it on their own.
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Spiral method to find out who the children's referents are

All of us need other people as references throughout our lives, that is, people who in one way or another end up permeating and modifying our behaviors and attitudes. As we grow, our references change, and we choose those people who are role models for us, who transmit us attitudes and behaviors that we do not have but that we wish to incorporate.
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Why is it good for children to be angry

When our children lose their temper, yell, or frown, we get upset and react in a negative way. But did you know what is good for children to get angry? We are going to analyze the mechanism of anger and observe this situation from a different perspective, since it is a way of defending themselves against different attacks and with it our children learn and develop resistance to frustration.
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Tricks from a mom to fight childhood tantrums

If your little one is about to turn two years old, you should start preparing because tantrums come. And here there is no instruction manual or magic formula that will guarantee you success in fighting them, you must find your own way together! I've been through it too and that's why I want to share my mother tricks to fight childhood tantrums.
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The dangerous fun of kids playing with squirt guns

Officially it is already summer and not because the calendar says so but because the high temperatures have already warned us of it, and in what way! This means that our leisure is mainly based on riding a bicycle, spending the afternoons in the pool and cooling off with water pistols, something that can create some controversy.
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Children living in messy houses are smarter and more creative

I fear that moment of coming home after work, because it is to open the door and find my other reality: my daughters playing on the dining room floor and all the toys scattered around every corner. But, good news, do you know why mothers should stop worrying that everything is thrown away and nothing is in its place?
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Why children behave better with grandparents than with parents

Many parents cannot believe when the teacher or tutor says that their children do not almost get up from the table and have an almost exemplary behavior, when at home the opposite happens and they are all a toberllino and you have to be dealing with them all the time . Something similar happens when parents leave their children in the care of other relatives.
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