Women have been using the moon phases for hundreds of years to learn more about their pregnancy. It is usually used to predict your due date, but it can also give you other details about your pregnancy. For example, with this calculator you can know when you are most likely to have a boy or a girl.
Category Calculators and calendars
Getting pregnant with a girl is the greatest wish of many couples. The illusion of having a girl can be fulfilled by programming sexual intercourse in the appropriate way depending on the life span of the X or female sperm and the day of ovulation. For this reason, if you want to conceive a girl, it is advisable to program the sexual intercourse 5 to 3 days before ovulation to ensure that the female X sperm that have survived the male Y sperm can complete their journey to the egg and fertilize it.
Knowing if your baby is going to be a boy or a girl is very useful to have everything ready: their clothes, the decoration of the room, choosing the name ... And it is that with the arrival of a new member to the family, there are hundreds of things to prepare. But, in addition to being practical, it is extremely emotional. Surely you've heard of the Chinese pregnancy calendar 2019!
Being pregnant with a boy or a boy is a great illusion for many families. Many couples want to have a child at home and not always chance agrees with their wishes.To have a male baby, it is important to schedule the days when the couple will have sexual intercourse, since you must calculate the date of ovulation taking into account the fertile days of the woman and the survival capacity of the Y sperm, which are those that give the male gene to the baby.
Women have been using the moon phases for hundreds of years to learn more about their pregnancy. It is usually used to predict your due date, but it can also give you other details about your pregnancy. For example, with this calculator you can know when you are most likely to have a boy or a girl.
Organizing a party with friends and family to know the sex of the baby is the latest, the coolest thing in events to enjoy all the events that surround the world of pregnancy and baby. Discovering the sex of the baby is something so special for a couple, that ... no more meeting him in a cold way in the ultrasound room of the clinic or hospital!
Once the news that a new member of the family has arrived is confirmed, knowing what the due date will be is an exciting unknown for parents. For many it is important to be able to get closer to when their child will be born in order to organize the relevant preparations, and others for the simple illusion of being able to get closer to the day when they will meet their baby.
There are times when pregnancy is planned more out of necessity than pleasure, that is, you start looking at the calendar and adjust work dates, family plans, the time it is going to do ... And that's when you realize that the best thing for you is that your child is born in this or that month. To do this, you have to get pregnant just in the right month.
We all know the traditional and established technique of ultrasound to know the sex of the baby, although with it it is not until week 20 when one can know this data with certainty. This information is so desired by some pregnant women that, this time, we are going to talk about the different prenatal diagnosis techniques to know the sex of the baby.