Category Brothers

Traditional children's activities for siblings to play together

Traditional children's activities for siblings to play together

If you have a brother or a sister, you will surely remember with great affection the hours you spent playing together as children. You couldn't wait to get home from school to spend the entire afternoon by his side doing this or that. And it is that childhood with a brother next to you is the most beautiful there is, don't you think?

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Changes in the child's behavior when a sibling arrives

The arrival of a new baby is an immense joy, but also important changes in family structure and routines. The arrival of a new little brother means that our day-to-day life is completely altered, new schedules, new routines, new needs to attend to ... And, the older siblings, although excited and happy for that new member of the family, are the ones who else can suffer this change in family structure.
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Traditional children's activities for siblings to play together

If you have a brother or a sister, you will surely remember with great affection the hours you spent playing together as children. You couldn't wait to get home from school to spend the entire afternoon by his side doing this or that. And it is that childhood with a brother next to you is the most beautiful there is, don't you think?
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Children with siblings are at lower risk for depression

Siblings often argue, but they are the first people you turn to when you have a problem. We know that they will not judge us and that their support is unconditional. In fact, several studies corroborate the advantages of growing up in company and, not only that, they say that children with siblings have a lower risk of suffering from depression.
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