Category Breastfeeding


Foods that mothers should not eat while breastfeeding

When the mother begins to breastfeed her baby, she has a lot of doubts about the position, the amount of milk to offer the baby or even about the foods to eat and what not to eat during this period. While breastfeeding the baby, the woman can eat normally, but there are foods that, according to the doctors, should be avoided, since what the mother eats will affect the health of her little one.
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The impact of breastfeeding on the baby's brain

We already knew that breastfeeding is the best food a mother can offer her baby, but it also improves brain development in babies. How is it possible to know? Researchers at Brown University have conducted a study using MRI machines to observe brain growth in children younger than 4 years old.
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What to do with breast milk that you no longer need for your baby

Breast milk has properties that are amazing. Not only does it serve as a nutritional and affective food in babies, but also due to its components give it unique properties including: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, it has vitamins such as A, E, K, B12 and minerals, millions of living cells , hormones that help the body function properly, antibodies that help fight infections, among others.
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A benefit of breastfeeding for babies that you may not have known about

Mother Nature has endowed mammals, including of course the human species, with a source from which to feed their young until they can feed themselves by other means. The mother's milk of each species is, therefore, the ideal food to raise their newborns. However, not only is it designed to meet the nutritional needs of babies and adapt to their different stages of growth, but breastfeeding for babies also has a benefit that you may not have known about.
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Best fall foods for women who are breastfeeding

As we do with the wardrobe, when the season changes, we must also change our diet with the arrival of new seasons. Do you know which fall foods are best for women who are breastfeeding? What things need to be removed or added to the daily menu? It is not a trivial or superficial change, it is that our body, and especially when breastfeeding, has different nutritional and caloric demands in each season.
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Food for Mom and Baby in Breastfeeding in Winter

With the arrival of winter, the caloric expenditure of breastfeeding mothers increases. In addition to the energy it uses for milk production, the body requires additional calories to maintain its temperature and body conditions in optimal conditions. In addition to this, women must strengthen their immune system to combat the risks of diseases that come with the cold of this time: colds, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and other "itis".
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Most recommended foods if you are breastfeeding in spring

We leave winter behind and, with it, heavy, high-calorie meals. Now comes another beautiful time of the year, of germination and flowering, where nature is reactivated to offer us a great variety of foods. If you are breastfeeding, it is important that you make changes in your diet, always under the premise of having a balanced diet, that is, one that contains carbohydrates, proteins, grains, cereals, vegetables and fruits.
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What to do if there is an excess milk production while breastfeeding

Just as there are mothers who worry because they believe that they do not produce enough milk, on the other side we find those women who have excessive milk production and do not know what to do to control it. What to do when there is excess milk production while you are breastfeeding? If this is your case, do not hesitate to read this article: in which we give you some tips to help you overcome this situation, which, although unusual, is very annoying.
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Main baby sucking problems in breastfeeding

Successful breastfeeding always requires three aspects: confidence on the part of the mother, good hydration and, most importantly, adequate suckling of the baby. But it happens that the baby's suction problems encompass many causes, therefore, it is important that, before you stop breastfeeding your little one, you know what problems you may encounter in order to find the best solution.
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What is the tuning reflex while breastfeeding your baby

Has it happened to you that when your son sucks he wants to grab the tit and caress it? If this happens to you, let me tell you that you are not the only one, you should not feel worried! It happens to most women and has a name: the baby's tuning reflex while breastfeeding. Do you want to know a little more about it: why it occurs and what does your little one want to convey to you with this gesture?
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The 4 most common questions about breastfeeding and exercising

One of the worrisome aspects for women after pregnancy is the weight gain they gained during it and how to regain their figure after having the baby. For both athletes and non-athletes, compatibility concerns about breastfeeding and exercising. In this article, I will tell you a little about them and we will banish some myths around this topic.
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Find out why you get cramps when you breastfeed your baby

The presence of cramps is one of the discomforts that many women manifest when they are breastfeeding. They can occur on your breasts or on your abdomen. This uncomfortable sensation should not be confused with persistent pain, nor should it be neglected if other symptoms are observed, so it is always important to be vigilant.
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When the nursing mother refuses or refuses to breastfeed the baby

I have always had the position that talking about breastfeeding is synonymous with life, with benefits, without a doubt, because it is the best food for our children, but will everything certainly be so pink? There are women who feel a sense of anguish at the moment of feeding their little one with their own milk or who are looking forward to that moment ending; nursing mothers who refuse or refuse to breastfeed the baby.
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Breastfeeding protects women from osteoporosis

Throughout history, countless myths have been created around breastfeeding, both at a family and cultural level, resulting in not only insecurity, but also mistrust in mothers. Breastfeeding causes osteoporosis, breastfeeding causes cavities, with breastfeeding you can not do sports.
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The clock, the worst enemy of breastfeeding

If you have breastfed or know people who have done it in your presence, surely you have ever heard phrases like & 39; Give him 15 minutes of each breast & 39 ;, & 39; Put him on the breast every 3 hours & 39; or & 39; It is not his turn yet, 30 minutes ago he ate & 39 ;. All these phrases have gone around the world, being the reason for so much controversy and discussion due to ignorance and lack of management in relation to the issue of breastfeeding a baby, because the clock is the worst enemy of breastfeeding.
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How to treat lice when the mother is breastfeeding

It is common to see children, especially those who attend school or kindergarten, at some point have pediculosis, that is, they are infected with lice. Mothers are scared because they can infect the rest of the family, but above all they worry if there are mothers in the house who are breastfeeding.
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