In this of wanting the best for the children, it seems that all fathers and mothers agree. Parents' wishes for their children are repeated: we want all good things for them and nothing to make them suffer, of course. Then we can say out loud that what we want most for children is for them to be happy and to achieve their goals in life.
Category Be mothers and fathers
People often talk a lot about a child's relationship with their siblings or with their friends, but we often forget the value that cousins have in the learning and development of our children.When a child grows up with their cousins, they establish a very close friendship. special and deep with them, so much so, that if parents take care of feeding and fostering it, it will last a lifetime.
Love is one of those words that we all use habitually, but we don't really know what it means. Did you stop to think about it? As parents, in the name of love, we do much more than give our children wings to fly, what we do is cut them so that they resemble us as much as possible.
My little daughter is about to turn 5 years old and at home we have a debate. Until now we had & 39; avoided & 39; throw a party for her birthday because she was too small and didn't ask for it. But this year her classmates are inviting her to some and she is demanding to celebrate her day. What I do?
Being parents implies an arduous task of self-knowledge and self-development, because we do not want to cast our shadows on our children; on the contrary, the interest of a father goes hand in hand with a strong motivation to help and promote the happiness of the children. And it is that you are the mirror where your child is reflected.
Movies and television advertisements have sold us an image of motherhood that has nothing to do with the reality of women who voluntarily decide to start this adventure. Bringing a life into the world is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman has in her life, but it can also be very painful.
Lukas came to the world in 2013. But only 7 months later he died from the blows received by his babysitter's boyfriend. His mother, Heather, decided to donate her organs. The story does not end there. Lukas's heart kept beating. And a girl, Jordan, received it. Three years later, Lukas' mother accepted the invitation of Jordan's mother, Esther.
Lately we give a lot of responsibility to the family as a role in the formation of our children, however I can assure you that there are many definitions about what the family is in itself and the roles that exist within it. We are currently facing an opening and a redefinition of what we can understand as a family, because challenges and changes come to propose ideas or judgments that, at times, put in suspense what we can understand on this fundamental social basis.
We consider ourselves with the right to live just because we are alive. And there is part of the reason in this, however, if what you want is to live (with capital letters) then it may be that you are missing some guidelines to take into account. It is our mission as parents to teach our children to live and to be their best role model.
It was always clear to me that I wanted to have at least two children, so after having my first daughter, I didn't have to decide whether or not I had a second, but when. The upbringing of my firstborn had absorbed me so much that I put it off and put it off to try to get my husband and I to recover psychologically and physically from this adventure we had embarked on.
Although we are barely aware of it, we are the type of mother or the type of father that we currently are, because of the type of father or the type of mother we had. From our parents we inherit eye color, some values, some attitudes ... but we have also inherited some emotional wounds.
There are things that we fear and that we simply walk away from them. There are things we want and we get as close to them as we can. However, when both emotions occur at the same time, fear and love, things get complicated for us! That's what I think happens to us with the dreaded and beloved WhatsApp parent groups.
You love your son more than anything in the world, you give everything for him, you guide him on his way and you are by his side every day and yet there are times when he does not perceive in the proper way the love he needs to grow up happy. . What are the signs that your child needs more love? Let's see it from the hand of María José Padilla, professional coach and family advisor.
A theme that many parents have had to live with is the fact that there are seasons in which our children seem to enjoy more with the other parent, prefer it and even show a certain rejection towards us. If that is your case, you should know that it is probably a stage that will end up passing.
We all know that women experience a lot of physical and psychological changes when they have a child. But what few of us know or disclose are the emotional changes that men go through when being parents, since somehow these are relegated to the background.The reality is that men also suffer the same changes as women during and after pregnancy, perhaps not in the same line because they are not the ones who carry the baby in their womb, but that is why their feeling of empathy expands and even their anxieties may increase, because they feel a little incapable of helping on a deeper level to your partner.
Tell me something dear mom, how do you tell your son that you love him? Surely the answer is the same that occurs to me, using those words: & 39; I love you & 39 ;. But what if I ask you another way? How do you manage to show your son how much you love him? Perhaps here the kisses and hugs that you give him every day come to mind.
How can we educate children without losing our temper? And without yelling! The theory is more or less clear to us but when it is time to put it into practice it seems that we have completely forgotten. Maybe it's time to turn that theory around. How? You will be thinking. Well, applying the Montessori method.
Kissing children on the mouth is totally normal for many parents. An act of love and tenderness with which they express their affection in a natural and spontaneous way. For others, however, it is totally unthinkable, inappropriate, and even intolerable. For this reason, on our site we are going to explore the different positions about kisses on the lips of the little ones in the house.
What to do when your children argue? For or against whom to position? First of all we have to remember that we are parents and not judges or lawyers in our children's discussions, so perhaps the best thing is to let ourselves be carried away by our emotions. I do so and, for now, I have to say that things are going well and that the number of daily discussions has even dropped.
If you are the mother of a girl and a boy, surely they have asked you or you have asked yourself if it is easier to raise and educate one or the other. And, no matter how similar it is or should be, there are always differences imposed by society. I also have a son and a daughter and what I am here to tell you is not advice or anything like that, but my opinion and my experience.
Having a second child is an experience that is lived differently from the arrival of the first child. We will no longer face it with uncertainty, we will be prepared and we will know how to react, but we must also count on the fact that now we have to share the parenting and care between two. We will be more tired, but our second son is going to teach us many things that will make everything more bearable.