Category Babies


Feeding for babies 1 to 2 years

At the time of his first year, the baby begins a new stage in his feeding. At this age the child can already eat all kinds of food, apart from acquiring healthy habits. Little by little, the child will be able to chew chopped food and enjoy everything he eats, sharing a table with the rest of the family.
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Feeding for babies from 9 to 12 months

At this stage, the baby experiments with new textures, going from puree to food that has been crushed with a fork or cut into small cubes. The introduction of food should be done little by little and each food separately so that your baby gets used to the different flavors and textures. The ideal is a new food every week, to make it easier for him to get used to it and assimilate and tolerate it without problems.
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We discover first-hand what Baby Quality is

She has been the eyes, but also the voice of many mothers concerned about feeding their babies. The journalist and mother, Isabel Jiménez, wanted to put Hero Baby to the test and has immersed herself in the production of the new Hero Baby jars to discover that & 39; they are what you see & 39;: 100 natural products, without any type of additive, neither preservatives nor colorants.
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When to start seasoning children's food with salt, oil, or herbs

As children grow up, they eat the same as adults, but here is an important note to be made: be careful when you start to season children's food with salt, oil and herbs because overusing them can be harmful to your health. As in many other things, the number of flavors that our taste buds are able to differentiate has varied in recent years, as relevant research has progressed.
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The Only Liquid Foods A 6-Month-Old Baby Can Have

As parents, we get excited when our baby begins his complementary feeding (like any other achievement that is achieved in the different stages). As soon as the child begins to try new things, many doubts arise. What liquid foods can a six-month-old baby eat? How to make that introduction of new foods?
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How and when to introduce citrus fruits in the diet of children

At the moment that the mother begins with the introduction of solids and complementary feeding, the issue of citrus fruits causes a lot of respect and, to a certain extent, fear, due to the issue of allergic reactions. How and when to introduce citrus fruits in the diet of children? Before developing the topic, it is important to know what citrus fruits are and what nutrients they contain.
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The trick to make the jars last longer

Can you imagine a jar of assorted fruits or vegetables made in the traditional style, as our grandmothers did? You will think that we have gone crazy or that we have dreamed it, but it exists and, the best, it is designed and made under the Hero Baby quality. And it is that the Hero Baby jars are just what you see: 100 natural, without any addition, without starch, or preservatives or colorings.
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Baby food. Things to look for when you buy one

Commercial baby food is a generally healthy and viable alternative for occasional use or to offer to the baby when eating away from home, but they should not constitute the child's daily diet, since, and although they are becoming healthier (and for they are, by law, free of colorants and preservatives for a decade), food prepared at home continues to have advantages over industrial preparations.
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Baby Quality, Hero Baby's commitment to feeding babies

When our baby is born, we want to offer him the best. We want to give him our affection, our love, our warmth, but also the best food for his development. That is why we chose to put him on the chest so that he receives the best gift of his life. What happens when the mother has to go to work or when the pediatrician tells us to start with the introduction of new foods, new flavors and new textures?
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Advantages of goat formula over cow's milk for babies

Although cow's milk is the usual base for the preparation of formulas adapted for babies, formula milks made from goat's milk have recently been added to the market, in addition to others made from vegetable drinks such as soy or soy. rice. What are the advantages or benefits of goat formula over cow's milk for babies?
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The dangers of giving solids to your baby before 6 months of age

Advice from grandmothers, aunts and friends does not take long when you have a baby. It is appreciated that they want to help you in that great task of being a mother and, above all, when you are full of doubts. However, most of the time they are recommendations based only on the fact that & 39; this worked for a friend of a friend & 39 ;, & 39; previously it was done like this & 39 ;, & 39; I did it and nothing happened & 39 ; Like everything that has to do with the introduction of solids in the baby's diet before 6 months.
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The misconception of giving your baby cereal at night to get more sleep

When a baby is exclusively breastfed, whether maternal or artificial, and it is time to start complementary feeding, one of the & 39; recommendations & 39; The most widespread popular is the introduction of the cereal bottle at bedtime to help you sleep better. Moreover, if it is only breastfeeding, it is even suggested that formula milk with cereals is better to promote a night's rest.
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