About to turn 8 years old, my oldest daughter has asked me for space. & 39; Mom, I want you to let me do things to myself & 39 ;. For her, as she explained to me, it is a matter of trust and, although I did not expect to hear this phrase so soon - for me she is still my little girl - I have decided to put a bit of land in the middle and agree to her request.
Category Autonomy
If we asked all the parents in the world what they want for their children, surely most of the answers would refer to forming happy and fulfilling human beings. In this noble work, everyone has different perspectives, all always with the best of intentions of course. However, some move to extremes, such as those that fall into overprotection and absolute control.
We all know how curious little ones are. From the moment they can move, always with the intention of exploring the world that surrounds them and taking all the information it offers them and then being able to interact in it. Through games, searches, explorations, and trial and error practices, children have the innate ability to learn on their own.
On vacation, parents must make sure that our children have a great time and rest from the school year. However, it is also a perfect time to enhance some of the most important skills of children. In this case, I am referring to values such as responsibility and autonomy.
Parents want our children to be successful in life (although each one has a different definition of what it means to be successful: a good job, a good heart, a good family, happiness ...). Some parents are even a bit obsessed with it. But what is the key to our children becoming happy adults?
Until now everything had been easy. Your children were at home under your control, but the time has come when they begin to ask to go down to the street alone or go to the park or a friend's urbanization in a group. It is normal that at first you are afraid and suspicious that they are conquering these small spaces of freedom, because they are exposed to risks that are beyond your vigilance.
About to turn 8 years old, my oldest daughter has asked me for space. & 39; Mom, I want you to let me do things to myself & 39 ;. For her, as she explained to me, it is a matter of trust and, although I did not expect to hear this phrase so soon - for me she is still my little girl - I have decided to put a bit of land in the middle and agree to her request.
Badges to print and color, to give to children for the good habits they have acquired. See Sleep routines are very important, especially during the school year. Sleeping the necessary hours and resting is key to children's performance, so we can establish schedules and reward children when they meet them.