
Babies and their first spoonfuls of food

Babies and their first spoonfuls of food

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How nice is the image of a baby giving his first licks to the spoon! They look like kittens licking milk. Some babies, at first, seem a bit reluctant at this moment, and others seem to discover a new world of sensations that escapes from their mouth without meaning to. The incorporation of our baby to new foods is unforgettable, and learning and mastery by our babies take time.

From 4 to 6 months, the first solid foods, as a complement to milk, which until now has been the only one for your baby, and which will continue to be the most important food in his diet until the year. My youngest daughter had an excellent command of breastfeeding, she was able to suck in the most unlikely position, she could empty each breast in less than five minutes, she had a dexterous sucking reed, she swallowed eagerly on many occasions.

Now, the day he got his first cigar made lovingly from a piece of carrot, a small potato and some green beans, he almost died of disgust. A powerful gag spread across her surprised little face. I think he looked at me saying: 'Mom, what is this puff?'

I do not know if it has happened to you with your babies, but it cost me enormously that my little girl get used to eating solids with a spoon. They recommended that to get used to the new flavor, I add a higher proportion of carrot to make it sweeter (a sweetness similar to milk).

I placed the baby appropriate spoon, that is, made of plastic or silicone, flat and small, with the porridge on her lips and she, at first, instead of opening her mouth, stuck out her tongue, which was what she was used to. After a few days, my daughter opened her mouth well, but of what went into her mouth, half came out when she closed it, so with the spoon at the ready, it was necessary to clean the excess puree with care and patience .

The bib in these beginnings is an article of first necessity; There are some plastic ones that collect the surplus (those that look like a pelican's mouth) very practical so that the child does not end up as a freshly painted painting and they help us who are not very skilled.

It is very normal that babies suck their hands, which they then make sure to scrub all over their face, so they end up absolutely smeared. The final result of the baby after his first meals can be worth photographing because the puree can end up, not only on his face, but also on his ears, eyes, hair ... . But, as always, patience is enough and your baby will end up mastering the spoon technique with outstanding.

Patro Gabaldon. Editor of our site

You can read more articles similar to Babies and their first spoonfuls of food, in the Babies category on site.

Video: 6 Months Old Baby eating Solid Food. 1st Time. Babys Reaction. DomJap TV. Bubble Script (January 2025).