
Dictation for children of all ages

Dictation for children of all ages

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The importance of dictation is fundamental, especially in Primary Education, where children are setting the spelling rules and laying the foundations for learning to write.

Some spelling rules are much more difficult in Spanish for children than others: H, B and V, G and J. Therefore, the best way to learn them is by practicing a lot. With These dictations for children of all ages can help your child or your student improve their knowledge of grammar.

They are very short dictations ideal for working the letters separately. It is important that at this stage we do not tire the child too much and make it a fun activity.

- Víctor's grandmother has a glass of milk with a sponge cake.

- My brother sits in a blue hammock and eats chocolate ice cream.

- Dad plans to plant a pine tree in front of the porch.

- Aunt Lili's hair is long and shiny, she washes it every day, with lavender and soap.

- Jorge slips out of the garden to play golf with Gabriel.

- On Wednesday I broke my backpack when I fell on the mountain.

- Carmen brushes the shoe with the light on.

- At Felipe's party I took many photos of his famous dolphin fountain.

- Quique eats cheese sitting on the carpet in his house.

- Rigoberto the mouse runs down the road to see his cousin Rita.

- If the sun comes out I put my hat on and sit in a chair under the umbrella.

At this stage, children already know the spelling of each letter so they have to perfect their writing:

- Bernardo the elephant likes to play ball so much that every Friday he calls his friend the giraffe Maruja, his neighbor the donkey Carmelo and his cousin the swallow Valentina. They pass the ball from one to the other, the elephant throws it with its trunk, the giraffe makes it slide down its neck, the donkey kicks it and the swallow flaps its wings while propelling it with its little legs.

- The witch Helena, a spell wanted to do. He tied a thread to the owl's leg and wanted to turn it into a hippopotamus, but the owl, clever as a fox, fled flying home at the top of a tree and hid behind a huge leaf, the witch Helena could not find it .

- Gabriela wanted to play the guitar, but her cat, Torcuato, had broken a string. So she decided to play with her turtle, but she was entertained with the worm. Gabriela, angry, put on her hat, her gloves and her coat and went out to the garden, where she took out a cookie and a juice and felt happy again.

[Read +: Dictations of single words for children to learn spelling]

We can now give longer dictations to children and always review with them the words they misspelled:

- Mario wanted to be a cook, he was so clear that, every day, he asked his mother to help him in the kitchen. Broken eggs on the plate, chocolate cake, fish and potatoes ... Mario learned to make different recipes and all of them he wrote down in a little book so he would never forget them. One fine day he wanted to make a recipe by himself and surprise his mother. He brought out flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and a secret ingredient. She spent a long afternoon in the kitchen and made the richest cake anyone had ever tasted. It was so delicious that everyone asked him for the recipe, but Mario preferred to keep it in his little book and never reveal the secret of the cake.

- Nicolás wanted to be an astronaut and from a very young age he began to read many books about space missions and rockets. Every night, he turned off the light in his room before going to sleep and gazed at the stars, thinking that one fine day he would sail among them and discover new planets. He was in such a hurry that he couldn't wait to get older and began to build a rocket out of the old junk that his father had in the garage. Aerodynamic engine, airframe, parachute, meteorite-proof airframe ... It took several months and when he was ready, he only had to ask his parents if he could go into space.

[Read +: Dictations to practice punctuation marks]

We can leave the original text to the child so that he can correct himself and check what faults he had:

- One day a wolf thought to change its appearance in order to facilitate obtaining its food. Then he got into a sheepskin and went to graze with the flock, totally misleading the shepherd.

At dusk, for his protection, he was taken together with the entire herd to a confinement, the door being secured.

But at night, the shepherd looking for his supply of meat for the next day, he took the wolf believing it to be a lamb and slaughtered it instantly.

Moral: As we do the deception, so we will receive the damage.

(Wolf in sheep's clothing - Aesop)

- Many years ago there lived an Emperor who spent all his income always wearing new suits. He had a suit for every occasion and time of day. The city in which the Emperor lived was very lively and cheerful. Every day weavers came from all over the world to weave the most wonderful costumes for the Emperor.

One day two bandits appeared, posing as weavers, claiming to weave the most beautiful fabrics, with original colors and patterns. The Emperor was fascinated and immediately gave the two bandits a good cash advance so that they could get down to work as soon as possible.

(The Emperor's Costume - Hans Christian Andersen)

- In a place in La Mancha, whose name I do not want to remember, not long ago lived a nobleman of the spear in the shipyard, old shield, skinny nag and running greyhound. A pot of something more cow than ram, spatter most nights, duels and losses on Saturdays, lentils on Fridays, some palomino for addition on Sundays, consumed all three parts of his farm. The rest of them finished wearing a veil tunic, hairy tights for the holidays, with their slippers of the same, and on weekdays they honored themselves with their finest fleece.

He had in his house a mistress who was over forty and a niece who was under twenty, and a farm boy who used to saddle the nag as he took the pruning shear.

(Miguel de Cervantes - The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha)

- Platero is small, hairy, soft; so soft on the outside, that one would say all cotton, that does not have bones. Only the jet mirrors of his eyes are hard as two black glass beetles. I let him loose, and he goes to the meadow, and warmly caresses with his snout, barely touching them, the little pink, blue and yellow flowers ... I call him sweetly: 'Silversmith?', And he comes to me with a cheerful trot that seems who laughs, in I don't know what ideal jingle. Eat as much as I give you. He likes oranges, tangerines, muscat grapes, all amber, purple figs, with their crystalline drop of honey.

(Platero and I - Juan Ramón Jiménez)

You can read more articles similar to Dictation for children of all ages, in the category of on-site writing.

Video: Dictation for kids (February 2025).