
Education to prevent obesity in children

Education to prevent obesity in children

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Parents are not at any time the culprit or the trigger for eating disorders or obesity in children, adolescents in most cases, but we can control a part of the environment in which the child moves, at least from the point of view of feeding to avoid them as much as possible. These cEducational tips to prevent obesity in children can help you.

- Instill values ​​that are not focused on physical appearance. Although it seems obvious, it is not so obvious, because it is not only the words but the actions that can give the wrong message. A simple look of reproach when the child serves a second plate of pasta or when he asks for the third time when it will be dinner can make him feel embarrassed about his nutritional needs and create a bigger problem.

- Do not be ashamed of your own body. It is clear that each of us is different and so is our body. By eating a balanced diet, we set an example to our children about something as important as nutritional health, but if we do it in an environment in which the child hears how we have extra kilos, how we don't like certain parts of our body or how we can't put on a swimsuit in the summer we are giving a wrong idea as well as contradictory.

- Classify foods into good and bad. Yes, there are foods that are better and others that are worse but, in moderation, they can all be consumed even on special occasions. Idealizing fruits and vegetables and demonizing fats or bread is not healthy, since fats, as well as carbohydrates are necessary for the body. Teaching them to differentiate the different food groups and to determine what amounts might be appropriate for each of them can give them enough confidence to avoid both obesity and eating disorders as well as educating them on proper eating habits.

- Exercise to lose weight or gain muscle. Exercising is always a healthy habit, but it's best to do it for the right reasons. Losing weight or gaining muscle are not reasons to exercise until exhaustion, a walk in nature to breathe fresh air, a basketball game with friends to strengthen ties or disconnect and burn the extra energy when the stress of exams looms. rather more appropriate reasons.

- Dieting. The amounts of macronutrients, micronutrients, or energy that a child should eat are determined by their age, weight, height, and physical activity. If the child is overweight or underweight, and it is convenient, a nutrition professional should decide what changes are necessary in their diet.

- Not taking care of their self-esteem. Parents are in many cases responsible for how our children are valued, not only with our example but with our way of treating them. Being aware of how our children feel is the best way to detect any eating problem before they get older.

You can read more articles similar to Education to prevent obesity in children, in the Obesity category on site.

Video: Obesity: The little things (February 2025).