Child sleep

Babies who don't sleep

Babies who don't sleep

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Although all children, especially during the first year of life, wake up several times at night, most of them fall asleep by themselves. Those who have not learned to fall asleep without help, cry for their parents to come. There are several causes of resistance to sleep and awakenings overnight.

30 percent of children have sleep disorders. The most frequent characteristics of babies who don't sleep They are:

- Up to four months, infants wake up several times during the night.

- Between 4 and 24 months they wake up and cry one or more times at night.

- At those times they are usually given food, attention or entertainment.

- It usually happens every night.

- It is frequent that it happens from birth.

- Parents want to help the child to sleep through the night.

Poor sleep habits are often the main cause of babies not sleeping well, do not fall asleep at night or wake up several times. You also learn to sleep and it is the responsibility of the parents to guide some habits correct sleep so that the baby, when his time comes, sleeps at once, only in his crib and without attracting the attention of his parents during his nocturnal awakenings.

And also fathers and mothers must understand that there are no miracles in sleep, that each baby is a world and that some will sleep through four months while others may not do so until one or two years. And if you have any questions, you should consult your pediatrician.

These may be the 9 causes of resistance to sleep and awakenings during the night in babies and children:

1. Frequent drinking during the day
Many mothers misinterpret demand feeding as 'feeding the baby every time he cries'. The body gets used to receiving small frequent amounts of food. Many of these children ask eat at night just from getting close to breast warmth, maternal safety, and being held.

2. Breastfeed the child to sleep
If the last memory that the child has before going to sleep is eating, it is possible that suckling or taking a bottle can become a transitional object for him. Therefore, when you wake up, you may think that you cannot go back to sleep without lying on your breast.

3. Cradle the child to sleep
Cradling him as part of a bedtime routine is fine. However, some mothers continue to cradle him until they fall asleep, even when they are not crying. Instead of falling asleep on their own, they cry. Since they fall asleep out of their crib by habit, they do not associate cradle with the dream.

4. Entertain you through the night
The behavior of waking up and crying becomes more and more frequent and if it brings with it any advantage, such as walking, cradling, playing with him or enjoying a parent, the baby becomes dependent of this help to fall asleep again.

5. Increased night care
During an acute illness, for example a blocked nose, or some change in the baby's sleeping environment that affects his usual routine, for example a trip, parents may increase the Attention night to accommodate the baby, then go ahead and get used to it.

6. Fear of separation
It appears between six months and two years. It is checked during the day whenever the child loses sight of his mother or stays with another person. These fears they are frequently accentuated at bedtime and at night.

7. Excessive daytime naps
A baby can only sleep a certain number of hours a day. Too long of dream during the day it can wake you up at night.

8. Sleeping in the same room
Some babies make noise when sleeping and, if the parents are a light sleeper, they respond to these normal baby noises. Also, if he can see them, the baby has an incentive to keep trying. wake them up. Sleeping in your parents' bed makes the problem worse.

9. Evolution
Children under two months of age may wake up twice a night to suck. At three months, most still need a feed in the middle of the night. By four months, 90 percent of babies can sleep for 8 hours straight without feeding.

The older the child, the more difficult it is to change the habit. Those over one year old resist any change strongly and can cry for hours. Without rules, these children will not begin to sleep through the night until they are three or four years old, when their daily work is most intense and, finally, it tires them.

You can read more articles similar to Babies who don't sleep, in the category of children's sleep on site.

Video: Baby. Sleep Problems In Young Babies. (February 2025).