Recommended Interesting Articles


What fighting games really hide in childhood

Some girls, but mainly boys, play fights occasionally or regularly. It is a game that parents hate and fear in equal parts. These fight simulation games sometimes get older and some end up crying. What should be our role? Should we stop the fight or playing fights in childhood can have a positive part?
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How to wrap Christmas presents in the shape of candy

In many stores they wrap the gifts we buy, in others they don't. It is in these cases when we have to dedicate some time to the task of fighting with paper, zeal, scissors ... On our site we suggest that you wrap the children's small gifts in a different and original way. We teach you how to make gift wrapping with toilet paper rolls.
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What to do about children's bruises and bruises

There are children, like my brother, who are true collectors of bruises, bumps and bumps. When I was little, I had them all over my body, on the head, on the knees, elbows, shoulders ... My mother became, in a short time, a true expert in treating bruises and bruises.
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Aloe vera water. Hydrating drink for the whole family

We know the wonderful properties of aloe vera for health: it improves the appearance of the skin, it is very hydrating and is also widely used to help heal wounds and sunburn. In addition, it is an ideal refreshing drink for the hottest days.We suggest you make aloe vera water in a very simple way, a very hydrating drink for the whole family.
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The fetal lung maturation test in pregnancy

Technology advances, and many times it does so in the service of medicine. This is positive, without a doubt, since we are increasingly finding new non-invasive formulas to detect possible abnormalities in the fetus during pregnancy. The lung maturation test is able to determine the development of the fetal lungs and compare it with the maturation rate that should be have depending on the week you are in.
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Effects of noise on children's health

We are used to enduring more noise than we should allow. In fact, if your environment exceeds a constant noise level of 80 decibels, you are at risk of hearing loss or hearing loss. It is not so difficult to subject the ear to this amount of decibels. To give you an idea, walking through a busy traffic area in a city can exceed this limit.
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